Products / Application / Cloning
Restriction Endonucleases

- With > 45 years of offering restriction enzymes to the research community, NEB has earned the reputation of being a leader in enzyme technologies.
- In traditional cloning, restriction endonucleases are used to generate NDA fragments with specific complementary end sequences that can be joined together with a DNA ligase.
More Information:
- Product Overview
- NEBcloner - includes the NEB Double Digest calculator for determining optimum buffers for restriction enzyme double digests.
DNA Assembly, Cloning and Mutagenesis

- NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix Allows for seamless assembly of multiple DNA fragments, regardless of fragment length or end compatibility.
- Why choose NEBuilder HiFi?
- Simple and fast - Seamless cloning in as little as 15 minutes.
- Highly flexible - one system for “standard-size” and large gene assembly, up to 11 fragments.
- Error-free - enables DNA assembly even those with 5’- and 3’-end mismatches.
- Higher accuracy and lower DNA input - advantages over other vendors.
More Information:
- NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly brochure
- NEBuilder Assembly Tool - design primers for your DNA assembly reaction
- DNA Assembly, Cloning and Mutagenesis Kits - product overview
Gene Synthesis
Gene Fragment:

Clonal Genes:

Clonal Genes:

- Gene Fragments
- dsDNA fragment, 0.3-1.8kb
- For direct assembly and cloning
- Compatible with all downstream cloning/ DNA assembly methods
- Clonal Genes
- 0.3-5kb genes cloned into a plasmid of your choice
- Choose a TWIST Catalog Vector or send us yours
- 100% accurate NGS-verified gene sequences
- Normalization and endotoxin free options available
More Information:
Plasmid Extraction & Purification

- Elute in as little as 30 μl
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design
- Reduce hands on time with faster protocols and less spin time
- Monitor completion of certain steps using colored buffer system
- No need to add RNase before starting
- Easily label columns using tab and frosted surfaces
- Buffers and columns available separately
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging
- No hazardous materials fees
More Information: